Currently gathering for Southlight 35, planned for publication in April 2024


Send us your best - poetry, prose, essays and illustrations, mostly

black and white but space for colour on the cover and the centre-spread

- take a look at the submissions page.

Send us your best - poetry, prose, essays and illustrations, mostly

black and white but space for colour on the cover and the centre-spread

- take a look at the submissions page.








next event will be at 11.30 am on Sunday 24th July at The Mill,

Gatehouse of Fleet - part of the Big Lit Festival

there will be a reading from Southlight 31 at which 

you can meet the editors and the writers,

pick up your copy and enjoy the buzz





Emerging from Covid  : update


As we prepare for the online launch of a printed 'Southlight 29'

at 8.00 pm on Sunday 16th May, we reflect on the preceding year, so difficult for all creative folk.  'Southlight 27' was ready to go to print when lockdown struck and cancelled both publication and launch including our printer's operations. Wigtown Book Festival website stepped in and posted

27 and 28 online but we were delighted when it became possible to make a print version of 29, which we present for your pleasure.

We look forward to the possibility of a launch in person for Southlight 30

for which we are now gathering material.

See our submissions guide.


You are invited to come to the online launch of 'Southlight 29' as part of the Writers Gathering on Sunday 16th May at 8.00 pm when several of the contributing writers and artists will introduce you to their work. The magazine will be available for sale at the Wigtown Book Festival Bookshop from May 1st. We are SO pleased to be back in print after this difficult year. Seenyou there.
























in the Luminate Festival 2019


Southlight magazine celebrates creative changing with an on-line one month long publication as part of Luminate Festival of Creative Ageing: Send us your short prose, poetry, book or film reviews, photographs, art work about profound changes in life histories from one stage to the next. Think pupa to butterfly; grape to wine; yeast and wheat to bread; selkies; Kafka’s beetle, Wolf’s Orlando; Greek myths.


E mail your contributions as MS Word or Rich Text Format - jpegs for images - with your name in the file title -   to

And if inspiration doesn’t strike, visit our Facebook page for daily prompts

from April 31st on the Southlight Facebook page







Southlight 25 is published and was launched

at The Big Lit Festival







Come and collect your copy

- if you're a contributor to this or a previous edition -

come and read








Southlight 22  was launched at the Wigtown Book Festival 2017

at 3.00 pm on Saturday 23rd September in The Print Room






April 2017

Launch Reading was at

Big Lit Festival :: April 23rd :: 10.30 am - midday

The Mill. Gatehouse of Fleet













On this website



all through the month of October 2015

and longer by request.





a blog that celebrates creative life in older people






part of the LUMINATE Festival

all across Scotland








Southlight 18 - out now !




you can buy a copy here



Welcome to Southlight

created in southwest Scotland